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Data-Explainable Website Fingerprinting with Network Simulation

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Run the following commands to create a sample dataset and train & evaluate an SVM on the sample data.

  1. Enter the artifact ml dir: $ cd
  2. Run $ make docker_run. This command will enter into a Docker shell with the correct dependencies installed.
  3. Inside the Docker shell, run the following:
  4. $ cd /mnt/bind/code/
  5. $ ./download.bash
  6. $ ./patch.bash
  7. $ source docker_filepaths.bash && ./preprocess_data.bash
  8. As an example, train a single model using
      $ python3 --no_kfp --no_nn --no_tt \
      ./out/split/section3/wget.pkl ./out/models/
  9. Test the trained model:
      $ python3 ./out/split/section3/wget.pkl output.json \

The final classification statistics will be located out ./output.json.


Detailed Explanation

Docker Initialization

  1. Build the Docker image:

$ docker build -t IMAGE_NAME

  1. Start up a Docker container for the experiments and mount the necessary code and data directories:
  $ docker run --name CONTAINER_NAME -it \
  --mount type=bind,source=CODE_DIR,target=/mnt/bind/code \
  --mount type=bind,source=DATA_DIR,target=/mnt/bind/data \
  IMAGE_NAME /bin/bash
  1. Run $ /mnt/bind/code/download.bash and $ /mnt/bind/code/patch.bash to download the necessary external scripts.

Data Preprocessing

** A convenience script performing all the steps below is provided for convenience. Running

  $ source docker_filepaths.bash && ./preprocess_data.bash

will create all the required directories and files in the ./out/ directory.

  1. Move into the code directory: $ cd /mnt/bind/code

  2. Create a directory for intermediate files: $ mkdir out

  3. Run the script to clean and format the raw data:

For the closed-world experiments in Section 3.3, the trace files are: - /mnt/bind/data/wget2.torcat.log - /mnt/bind/data/wget2-traces-tornet-net_0.25-load_2.0.log

The command to run for these files is:

  $ python3 -n 200 -r -c <TRACES_FILEPATH> /mnt/bind/data/urls.txt \

For the rest of the experiments in Sections 4 and 5, the trace files follow the pattern


where load is in the set {1.5, 2.0, 2.5} and seed is in the set {a, b, c}.

The command to run for these files is:

  $ python3 -f -n 300 --nkeep_port_80 30000 -c <TRACES_FILEPATH> \
  /mnt/bind/data/urls.txt ./out/<CLEANED_TRACES>.pkl
  1. Create a label file for each type of experiment to run. A single label file keeps the labels consistent across data sets.

To create a label set for closed-world multiclass experiments:

  $ python3 out/closed_labels.pkl <CLEANED_TRACES>...

For example:

  $ python3 out/closed_labels.pkl out/wget2-cleaned-real.pkl \


- `./out/wget2-cleaned-real.pkl` was produced by calling
  `` on `/mnt/bind/data/wget2.torcat.log`
- `./out/wget2-cleaned-shadow.pkl` was produced by calling
  `` on `/mnt/bind/data/wget2-traces-tornet-net_0.25-load_2.0.log`

To create a label set for open-world binary experiments:

  $ python3 -n 5 out/open_labels.pkl <CLEANED_TRACES>...
  1. Split each cleaned trace file into training and testing tests:

For closed-world multiclass experiments:


For example:

  $ python3 ./out/wget2-cleaned-real.pkl \
  ./out/closed_labels.pkl ./out/wget2-real-dataset.pkl

For open-world binary experiments:


Model Training

  1. To train a model on the closed world datasets:

For example

  $ python3 ./ ./out/split/section3/wget2.torcat.pkl \

will train models on the Tor wget2 dataset. The models will be output to the specified model directory. The -t <TAG> flag can be passed to the script to provide a tag that will be included in the output model names.

  1. Training a model on the open-world datasets is similar, but the -o should be provided:
  $ python3 ./ -o 5 <DATASET_FILE> <MODEL_DIRECTORY>

Model Testing

  1. To test a model on a dataset:

For example

  $ python3 ./out/split/section3/wget2.torcat.pkl \
    output.json ./out/models/kfp.tar.gz

Multiple models can be specified to run on the input dataset. Models cannot be mixed across dataset types: a closed-world model must be tested on a closed-world dataset and an open-world model must be tested on an open-world dataset.