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Here we provide some Shadow simulation files for informational purposes—to give a sense of how our Shadow simulations were run. The simulations are resource-intensive and we do not expect them to be re-run. The simulations take between 500 GiB and 1 Tib of RAM to run, and require 1-2 days of runtime on our 36 core (72 HT) server machines.

The most useful Shadow outputs are the cell traces that are collected during the simulations, and those are described in more detail on the data page and analyzed on the ML page.

Before running the commands below, make sure you have a local copy of the artifact (git clone

Building an image using the Dockerfile

We ran our simulations in a container initially built using the Dockerfile. This file encodes all of the commands used to build the various software components needed for running the simulations, and it contains the commit hashes of the versions of the software used in our simulations. Building an image from the Dockerfile is straightforward. However, the following two resources need to be dropped in place in order to successfully build the image.

The image can be built with

docker build \
    --no-cache \
    --network=host \
    -f Dockerfile \
    -t shadowsim:wfport \

Running the image

The shadowsim:wfport image built above can be run with

docker run \
    --privileged \
    --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE \
    --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
    --log-driver none \
    --shm-size=1t \
    --pids-limit -1 \
    --ulimit nofile=10485760:10485760 \
    --ulimit nproc=-1:-1 \
    --ulimit sigpending=-1 \
    --ulimit rtprio=99:99 \
    -v /storage:/mnt:z \
    -it \
    shadowsim:wfport bash

The above bind-mounts the /storage directory containing a wikidata subdirectory with a wikipedia mirror file inside the image at /mnt. From there, we run a sequence of commands depending on which Shadow config we run.


The Shadow config for the fidelity simulations in Section 3 of the paper is located at fidelity/tornet-net_0.25-load_2.0.tar.xz.

Untar this in /storage to make it available inside the docker image. Then inside the docker image we want to run a sequence of commands to run the Shadow simulation and parse out the results we want.


tornettools simulate \
    --shadow /opt/bin/shadow \
    --args "--parallelism=36" \
    --filename "shadow.config.crawl.yaml" \

tornettools parse ${SIM_DIR}

tornettools plot \
    ${SIM_DIR} \
    --prefix ${SIM_DIR}/pdfs

cat ${SIM_DIR}/ | \
    grep '650 GWF' | \
    cut -d' ' -f7- \
    > ${SIM_DIR}/wget2-traces.log

tornettools archive ${SIM_DIR}

We repeated this process by running six simulations, the results are further described on the data page.

Sensitivity and Robustness

The Shadow configs for the sensitivity and robustness simulations in Sections 4 and 5 of the paper are located inside of this subdirectory: sensitivity_robustness.

The process of running the simulations is nearly identical to that shown above, but needs to be done for each of the nine Shadow configuration sim dir tarballs.

The only change from above is the command to extract the wget2-traces.log files. The cat command in the above should be replaced with something like:

for d in ${SIM_DIR}/*[0-9]guard ; do cat ${d}/*oniontrace*stdout ; done | grep '650 GWF' | cut -d' ' -f7- > ${SIM_DIR}/wget2-traces.log

We run each of the nine Shadow configurations twice, the results are further described on the data page.